Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Resperatory System

In your respiratory system you have two lungs. In Your lungs you have aveoli if you don't have aveoli you will die. there two bronchus tubes.

The Digestive System

Your esophagus is near your throat. Your throat is naer to your esophagus. The stomach is wear food turns into energy. Your small intestine is in your stomach which is small. Your large intestine in also in your stomach which large.

The Nervous System

There three main parts of your Nervous System is your brain, your spinal cord, and the nerves. Nerves send messeages to brain. These messegaes tell your brain what to do. Your spinal cord links the brain.

The Skeletal System

Your Skull is in your head . The femur is the largest bone in your body. Your pelvis is near your hips. A way to remember your pelvis is remember pelvis elvis! There so many bones in your ribs. Your vertebrae goes throw your ribs.

The Muscular System

Your Frontais is in your head in the Muscular System . Your deltoid is accualy near your sholder. Your biceps is the top part of your arm.
Your Triceps are the muscual that is the botttom part of your arm. Your
Pectoralis are muscals in your chest.
Your Quadriceps is the muscal that the top part of your knee. Your Hamstring is in the muscal thats in the bottom part of your knee. Your Tibialis anterior is in the side part of your leg.